
People deserve recognition; adults and children alike; and thrive on such positive reinforcement. The tournament committee has always believed it is of paramount importance to honor that. Some past winners are named in our tournament program. Many past players, including award winners, are now parents, grandparents, and volunteers, helping continue the tradition for the next generations.


The following is list of awards presented annually to the players, their teams, and municipalities, along with a little information regarding the individual award. We encourage players to strive for greatness in all they do, including competing for awards at the tournament. Although there are awards recognizing technical skills in hockey, several are directed towards the equally and supportive skills in positive character and conduct that are to be encouraged.

Three Star Trophies

Sponsors – Armitage Construction, North Newmarket Lions Clubs, Newmarket Lions Club, Giant Tiger Newmarket, Venessa Long – Green Party of Canada, Treefrog Interactive

Three Star Player of the Game Pucks

Sponsor – Giant Tiger Newmarket

Annual Plaques

Sponsor and Tournament Partner – Royal Canadian Legion Branch 426 Newmarket

Art Ferguson Memorial Sportsmanship Award

The plaque is presented to the municipality who most exemplifies sportsmanship on and off the ice from all four teams. Sponsor – Rainbow Promotions & Awards

Drew Doark Memorial Trophy for Newmarket

It is presented to the most valuable Newmarket player in all divisions. When our tournament chairperson, Mike Dukart, was a kid, he was named on this award in 1985, and then again in 1987 with a co-winner. Sponsor – Rainbow Promotions & Awards

Heart Award

In memory of Bill Burkhardt & Barry Dukart, dedicated volunteers who gave from their hearts. The award is presented to a player from each municipality who is chosen as the player who tries the hardest. The award is judged by the players’ performance in their first two games of the tournament.

Municipalities Most Valuable Player

Sponsor and Tournament Partner – Royal Canadian Legion Branch 426 Newmarket

Municipal Trophy

It is awarded to the municipality who compiles the most points by all four teams. Sponsor and Tournament Partner – Royal Canadian Legion Branch 426 Newmarket

Participant Medallion

Participants are presented with a annual medallion honoring their efforts and participation at the tournament.  Sponsor – Rainbow Promotions & Awards


There are awards and recognition for those volunteering with the tournament and its operations, including committee. The wide range of the skills and input of these volunteers simply continues to astound us each year as it grows and evolves. They are of all ages, and come from all walks of life. Volunteering is often said to be worth anywhere from minimum wage to that of a well paid executive. If a fair dollar value were placed on the hours the volunteers give, it would exceed every dollar ever generated and spent in the operation the tournament since 1967; and that is in each individual year alone. It is an awesome testament to community service and love, not just of sport, but of community.  Tournament volunteers will often be seen with one of our annual hats on, but that is only one way for them to be recognized. Through the long hours, they may get feed and watered from time to time, but also may earn recognition by the executive. We invite you to be part of this family of friends, so please contact us. The rewards are more than words or an award can say. We salute volunteers in some of the following ways.

Ken Sturgeon Award – Junior Committee Member

Ken Sturgeon was a founding member of the Annual Newmarket House League Hockey Tournament. In his memory, this award, and its twin below, were created as one of the highest honors presented each year. The executive honors a youth member of the Junior Committee each year for outstanding service to the community through their efforts surrounding the tournament. The member receives a unique trophy and their name engraved on the annual plaque. In some years the award has included a valuable prize from one of our sponsors. An iPod Touch is one example of a past prize.

Ken Sturgeon Award – Adult Committee Member

A twin of the award above, the executive honors an adult member of the Executive Committee each year for outstanding service to the community through their efforts surrounding the tournament. It is one of the highest honors presented each year. The member receives a unique trophy and their name engraved on the annual plaque. In some years the award has also included a valuable prize from one of our sponsors.

Volunteer Medallion

Volunteers are presented with a annual medallion honoring their invaluable service to the tournament.  There are often more volunteers than medallions, but we value each volunteer no less than another. Sponsor – Rainbow Promotions & Awards

Want to pay it forward?

If you are an individual, organization, or corporate entity who wishes to sponsor a volunteer, participant, or other award, please contact us.



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